Saturday, September 3, 2011

Rapunzel Tangled Theme Birthday Party

This year we decided to have the party outside. It seems like every year the party gets bigger and bigger. We had 18 kids this year. That's just too many in my house and with the weather over 100 every day in August in Texas it is just too hot in the back yard. So I chose a splash pad near our house. The kids had a blast:)  I had SO much fun making all these things for Ellie's 5th Tangled party! I found lots of great inspiration at Oh Amanda & Family Fun.

My friend Sarah helped me make this the night before. It ended up leaning a bit but I thought gave it more character:)

Build your own food tower

she dove right into her cupcake. all the kids were green after eating them.

I made this crown with my Silhouette machine.

Releasing our lanterns:)


1 comment:

  1. Such a cute party! Thanks for linking to me. :)

    I love the paints as a prize for the kids. Super fun!

